Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Prelude To A Peaceful Existence

Many years ago we, of the Kingdom, realised in order to maintain a constant peace, that it had to come from each individual. There was no way it could be ordered, regulated or decreed.

If each person did not have peace within themselves, then there could be no peace in their home, in their family, in their neighbourhood, their suburb, their town, their city, their state, or their country. Yes, each individual had the responsibility to find and maintain their own inner peace.

Easy to say, but how to find this inner peace. Each person is different, therefore it seemed that each person would need a different "path" to follow.

I was given the charge of finding a way to help the subjects of the Kingdom find this elusive inner peace. Perhaps, I thought, if I give each person a list of famous people who were born on their birthdays, it may inspire the people to emulate them. I had noticed that there was an increased excitement when someone discovered another who shared the same birthday.

Beginning this project I gave myself a couple of weeks to come up with 20 names for each day of the year. Well that fell by the wayside when I made, what I believed to be, a very important discovery. It changed my life, and has had me researching for the past 18 years.

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